Tips for Creating Your Fashionable Minimalist Travel Wardrobe

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The women's fashion industry continues to be profitable, as Statista data estimates that this industry's revenue in 2019 alone was $187.76 billion. Women prioritize remaining fashionable for any occasion, whether a casual night out or a trip abroad. However, heavy luggage fees can quickly weigh you down if you’re traveling, so it would be best to explore the minimalist travel wardrobe idea. If you want to know more about packing lightly without sacrificing style, please consider these points.

Invest in quality pieces 

Fast fashion now dominates the clothing industry, making them more readily available than ever before. However, many of these pieces don't last long, with the Clean Clothes Campaign estimating that three out of five fast fashion items end up in landfills. The minimalist lifestyle advocates excellence over quantity, so invest in quality, versatile items for your travel wardrobe. 

High-grade clothing will endure wear and tear, several washing machine cycles and still, look good as new each time you wear them. As such, quality clothing will last longer than anything you purchase from fast fashion outlets, although you’ll pay slightly more upfront. Therefore, invest in items like a three-in-one jacket, blanket scarf, wrinkle-resistant clothes, among others. This way, you can pack lightly for your trip when helping your wallet and the environment in the long term.

Select coordinating travel clothes

Packing coordinating clothes is another essential tip to remember when putting your travel wardrobe together. Many people take clothing for each day of their travels, throwing in an extra pair of heels or a dress "just in case." However, the beauty of an authentic minimalist travel wardrobe is that everything can be matched and mixed. Therefore, instead of eight distinct outfits, you can pack eight to ten pieces that go together irrespective of how you pair them. You can achieve this by following the famous neutral rule, where you wear all neutral on the bottom or top, leaving room for color in every outfit. You can also select complementary colors like blue and orange, which match surprisingly well when paired together.

Create an ultralight packing list

In minimalist travel, there’s room for only absolute essentials. As such, the first thing many fashion experts recommend when creating your minimalist travel wardrobe is an ultralight packing list. This will prevent you from overpacking, allowing you to bring along high-priority items only. Your packing list will be unique to you because everyone has their particular needs, so keep this in mind when creating yours.

Layer your clothes for style and warmth

It’s no secret that clothes you can wear in layers are perfect for a lightweight travel wardrobe. Dressing in layers allows you to easily accommodate varying temperature and climate changes while on the move. For example, you can put on a T-shirt or tank top in warm and cool climates. In freezing temperatures, you can also quickly wear a sweater or jacket to keep warm. Consequently, prioritize dressing in layers to enjoy more flexibility when traveling in different climates.

From my closet to yours, thanks for stopping by.


My Maternity Must-Haves

Hi Friends! I know I’ve been a little MIA lately on the blog, but hey we’ve got a baby to prepare for! I am writing this as I am getting a killer headache and a little dizzy, but I’m going to power through.

I am by no means an expert on the momma front, but I thought I would share some items that have kept me sane and on track these past 7 months. I don’t know what I would have done without your recommendations on Instagram.

Thank you!

Most of these products, I’ve used and lived by! I’m going to highlight my favorites.

  1. Assets by Spanx Women's Micro Shaping Convertible Strap Slip - To smooth the bump

  2. Cetaphil Gentle Cleansing Bars - the only thing I use to clean my face and take off make-up, and it’s safe!

  3. Edible Cookie Dough - This comes in Nestle too and it’s perfectly dangerous when quenching your cravings. ;)

  4. Lance Toast Chee Peanut Butter Crackers- So good to fight nausea. Can’t eat these without thinking about my hubs.

  5. La Roche Posay Anthelios Clear Skin Oil Free Dry-Touch Sunscreen Lotion- I’ve worn this almost everyday when I know I’m going to be in the sun a lot. It’s gentle on my skin and feels amazing.

  6. Vitamin C Face Serum- I use a Vitamin C Serum every night. It rightens, tightens, and helps my skin glow. It’s a miracle serum. The doctor says it’s safe!

  7. Water Bottle with Motivational Time Marker- Because every time I go to the doctor, she tells me I need to drink more water. This is a fun way to monitor your drinking.

  8. Slippers- I LOVE in these! They keep my feet from hurting when walking around the house. …I bet these will be in the hospital bag too.

  9. Baby Bump Prenatal Speaker System- This has been a lifesaver to hear my baby’s heartbeat since we were not able to go to the doctor as much during the quarantine. It gives you great peace of mind.

  10. Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter & Bio-Oil- What I’m currently using to prevent stretch marks. So far, it seems to be working great! No marks so far!

  11. Olly Essential Prenatal Multivitamin - I’ve been taking these for months. They taste great and do not give me nausea. I just switched brands to Ritual. We’ll see how well I like them in a couple of weeks.

  12. Auden Women's Laser Cut Cheeky Bikini - The most comfortable undies I can find for a growing belly!

  13. Auden Women's Bliss Lightly Lined Wirefree Bra - Also the most comfortable bra! I have had to go up 3 sizes already! (Comes in nursing as well!)

  14. Pregnancy Pillow- How have I not used this until the 7th month? It was a game-changer for sleep!

  15. Long/Short Sleeve Nightgown Button Down Nightshirt- This sleep shirt from Amazon is SO dang comfortable. I plan to wear it at the hospital too!

  16. Herbal Iron Tablets- I’ve been battling with keeping my iron up from the beginning. My doctor recommended these to go easy on my stomach. They seem to work better for me than regular iron.

  17. Basic T-shirt Dress- I’ve been living in a T-shirt dress! I have one in every color. It’s comfortable on the bump. Dress it up or dress it down.

  18. Bead Name Bracelet- Because you have to rep your baby’s name NOW! : ) These are only $10!

  19. Nike Crew Shorts- Comfortable on the bump for athleisure wear.

  20. Pregnancy Belt, Waistband Extender- So you can wear your regular shorts! YAY!

  21. Women's Tulle Long Dress- I’m about to buy this for our Maternity Shoot.

    Alrighty gals, I hope that was a little helpful if you are expecting. We have a 3D/4D/ HD Ultrasound Thursday at Sneak-A-Peak and we are SO excited to see our baby’s face for the first time. Hurry up September!

    From my closest to yours, thanks for stopping by!


100 Things to Do in Quarantine

Hazal Bay Photography

Hazal Bay Photography

“Home is where the heart is ” has taken on a whole new meaning during these uncertain times. The COVID-19 Pandemic has us all taking extra precautions to keep others safe, like staying home and only leaving for things that are absolutely necessary.
For the past two weeks, I’ve been working from home. Let’s just say that sometimes this can be really frustrating.

Despite all of this happening in our world, I have found that keeping a positive mindset can go a long way in muddling through a difficult time.

Here are some things that have helped me keep a positive mindset:

  1. Taking time to slow down and appreciate the time we have with our husbands, wives, and children.

  2. Having a sense of gratitude. Being thankful for the many blessings that we already have. With gratitude comes happiness.

  3. Keeping a routine. During my downtime, I’ve been getting things done around that house that I never had time for. It makes the day go by faster as well.

My daily routine brings me to a list that I’ve been checking off a little at a time. Hopefully, this will give you some ideas about how to keep busy (and positive) during a quarantine.

100 Things to do in Coronavirus Quarantine:

  1. Organize your clothes closet. If it doesn’t bring you joy, send it to, or donate it.

  2. Organize the pantry. Throw out outdated food

  3. Organize the medicine cabinet. Dispose of medications correctly through police stations or doctors’ offices.

  4. Clean and wipe down baseboards.

  5. Sweep, mop, and shine your floors.

  6. Deep clean your toilets, bathtubs and showers.

  7. Dust your retire house, including tricky ceiling fans.

  8. Sew back on buttons to shirts that have had them missing for a while. Looks like I need a sewing kit or a present mom in hand.

  9. Redecorate that room you’ve always wanted to, of course with online shopping.

  10. Paint a picture.

  11. If you don’t already have them, hang curtains and blinds.

  12. Catch up on laundry until the clothes basket is empty.

  13. Cook a great 3-course meal for you and the family.

  14. Try something new, like an online workout or Zumba class.

  15. Online yoga.

  16. Take time to stretch

  17. Cut Grass.

  18. Plant and pot beautiful flowers around your house.

  19. Make a bouquet out of flowers from your yard.

  20. Try your hand at making homemade southern biscuits.

  21. Catch up on Netflix, obviously.

  22. Decorate your dinner table.

  23. Read a book, the Bible, or a devotional.

  24. Make your bed every morning.

  25. Organize your makeup drawer.

  26. Clean out the fridge.

  27. Write a story.

  28. Write a book.

  29. Start a blog.

  30. Organize every drawer in your house, including kitchen drawers and clothes drawers.

  31. If you really want to get in deep, organize and clean out the attic or garage.

  32. Make an organic Juice.

  33. Make a Smoothie.

  34. Look up recipes and start making healthy breakfasts.

  35. Take a long relaxing bubble bath with candles and wine of course.

  36. Get up and dress up. I promise this makes a more productive day.

  37. Plant a vegetable garden.

  38. Start and complete a puzzle.

  39. Start a journal.

  40. Watch a movie with your favorite ice cream.

  41. Coloring books! They aren’t just for kids. It’s pretty relaxing if you ask me.

  42. Make a google photo book of the pictures from your camera roll.

  43. Sit on your front porch, drink coffee, and watch the sunrise.

  44. Do a hair mask

  45. Try a new Facemask with your fave magazine.

  46. Donate to your favorite small businesses, they’re struggling right now.

  47. Rearrange your furniture.

  48. Set up and decorate your new baby’s room.

  49. Hang pictures on your walls that have been sitting there for months.

  50. De-clutter, De-clutter, De-clutter!

  51. Watch a sunset.

  52. Start a skincare routine that you haven’t had time for in the past.

  53. Go fishing in a neighbor’s pond.

  54. Repaint a room.

  55. Download the Calm app and listen to a story or a waterfall.

  56. Read your horoscope.

  57. Order a contactless delivery pizza.

  58. Give yourself a Mani/Pedi.

  59. Drink wine. LOTS OF WINE.

  60. Take a personality quiz.

  61. Start your wedding registry or baby registry. Mine is already done 26 weeks in advance. haha!

  62. Start researching what it takes to start your own business.

  63. Give yourself a makeover.

  64. Try a new recipe.

  65. Call your mom and dad, and grandparents.

  66. Go on a walk or light jog.

  67. Start a workout routine.

  68. Watch old family videos and back them up.

  69. Try a new savings plan or budget.

  70. Get some sun in the backyard, or set up a waterslide.

  71. Train your dog.

  72. Mediate.

  73. Pay all your bills.

  74. Birdwatch. Set up a bird feeder or hummingbird feeder in the back yard. They are fun to watch.

  75. Self Tanner.

  76. Organize your jewelry box.

  77. Clean your silver.

  78. Start growing your own herbs for cooking.

  79. If you don’t have a pool, get a baby pool and enjoy it.

  80. Look at the stars and download the SkyView app 

  81. Attack the files on your computer and better organize them.

  82. Back up your computer. That ISH took DAYS!

  83. Create a list of things you want to get done for the day.

  84. Online shopping! Need I say more?

  85. Go on a safari. By this I mean watch the live cameras that many zoos have set up. The Cincinnati Zoo will be live-streaming animals on their Facebook page daily at 3 PM.

  86. Film a TikTok.

  87. Make a vision board for the next 10-20 years.

  88. Design your own Converse here.

  89. Chalk paint a piece of furniture for an instant update.

  90. Start a wishlist on Amazon.

  91. Whiten your teeth.

  92. Catch up on emails.

  93. Plan a trip for the future down to every last detail.

  94. Try a musical instrument. You can learn anything from YouTube.

  95. Start selling unwanted fashion on the Poshmark app.

  96. Pick up a new hobby, like Golf?

  97. Do something helpful for others and give back. Maybe grocery shop for an elderly friend?

  98. Write a letter to your future self or children.

  99. Finish your online class.

  100. Be kind to yourself and most of all LOVE YOURSELF!

Well gals, I hope that was helpful or gave you some ideas of how to pass the time these next couple of weeks!

From my closet to yours, thanks for stopping by.


Oh Baby!


Oh baby! Our next greatest adventure will begin in September 2020!
Wow, it’s great to be back and what a journey this has been so far! If you follow me on social media, you know that I have been taking a leave of absence to work on my health from a car accident, but there was one more thing I haven’t been telling you…


I found out about Baby B only two weeks prior to getting in a car accident in January. ( Lance only knew for two days before). Immediately after the wreck, Lance rushed me to the emergency room and there was no heartbeat. The nurse said it could just be because it was too early but that still didn’t ease our minds. I had to wait another agonizing week to hear the heartbeat... and when we finally heard that sound of life after the wreck... wow... I can’t describe the feeling. The relief!
The relief of the baby was there, but I was in a lot of pain. I haven’t been able to take anything for the pain because of pregnancy. On top of that, the pregnancy nausea and sickness have been outrageous! I’ve been taking it extremely easy at work, and I’ve taken a long time off from blogging for my health. It’s. been. hard…. REALLY HARD …

I’m still focusing on getting better and back to 100%. With a lot of pain in my back, shoulders, and neck, I’ve been to the orthopedics, had an MRI, and PT three times a week for a while. It’s been a wild ride, but I guessed our child would make a bang into this world, literally. 
For now, I’ll be taking it easy and working on my Physical Therapy. I hope to soon be back at it, and giving you daily outfit inspo very soon.
Thanks to everyone that called and checked on me during this time! Through it all, we are very blessed.
Baby Baxter, we can’t wait to meet you on our birthday month!

See you in September!

From my closet to yours, thanks for stopping by.


How to style a White Top for Professional and Play


Gals, I’ve been on the hunt for the most perfect versatile white top that can be worn with anything and everything. With the help of my friends at Chicwish, I’ve found just THE ONE. This Forever Chic Wrap Top in White is a dream come true! I have styled it two ways, although there are countless ways to style it.

First, I paired it with some fun pearl embellished jeans for a casual weekend “play” look-great for a party, or a get together. This fun and flowey top really makes these jeans and shoes pop! Plus this top is comfortable! No pulling and tugging here.

For the second look, I took it to the professional side. This top was so easy to style in a professional way. I paired it with a long cardi , black dress pants, and some block heels. I could also see myself wearing this top under many blazers to come.

A white tee is a closet staple, but this takes that staple to whole extra level.

From my closet to yours, thanks for stopping by.


Shop the Play Look

Shop the Professional Look

Smile Brilliant: GO Electro!


As I start this post, I can only think about the tooth brushing song, my brother and I used to sing while growing up and my parents trying desperately to get us to brush our teeth. “Brush a, Brush a, Brush aaaaaa..” At a young age, I wasn’t the best at taking care of my teeth. I can remember one time as a 10 year old, going to the dentist and having 10 cavities! My parents were so disappointed. How embarrassing! That day scared me.

As I grew older and got into middle school and high school, I started to care much more about my smile and dental hygiene. How would I smile and the cute guy across from me in Math class? Sorry, Lance!

It was a huge priority to have a great smile and the best oral care. I mean, heck, I was on the dance team, and I needed a big bright white smile while performing. Then in college, when I went out for sorority, I was obsessed with having whiter teeth. Looking back I can’t believe I never once thought to try out an electronic toothbrush. I guess I just thought that it wouldn’t make much of a difference. Well friends, let me tell you, I was SO wrong!

I was so happy when Smile Brilliant reached out about their cariPro Ultrasonic Electronic Toothbrush! It was sincerely life-changing. I will NEVER go back to a regular toothbrush. I feel like this brush really gets down below the surface for some intense cleaning. This pulse action is not the regular “vibrating” you get with any old battery-powered toothbrush. This the Mercedes of electronic toothbrushes. It’s smoother than you can imagine! It’s like going to the dentist! It even has 5 brushing modes: clean - Standard mode for superior daily cleaning, white - most powerful cleaning mode for removing surface stains, polishing and vigorous deep cleaning ( the one setting I use the most), massage - gentle gum pulsation mode for gum stimulation, gum care - gum mode for gentle cleaning along the gumline, and sensitive - ideal for users for that have very sensitive gums and teeth.

I also LOVE this brush because it doesn’t use batteries like most electro brushes. It charges for 24 hours on its sleek charger and it’s ready to use for about 30 brushes before it needs charging again! Don’t worry about getting the handle wet either. It’s waterproof! The toothbrush heads are easily replaced. You can buy a pack of 8 heads that could last you all year! I am literally never buying a regular toothbrush again!

With my cariPro, and my charcoal-infused whitening toothpaste, I honestly feel like my teeth are cleaner, healthier, and overall whiter. It’s so easy to use, with no hassle involved. What have I been doing all these years without it?

I now truly feel like a great smile is the only makeup I need some days. This brush was a game-changer and has improved my overall confidence.

Want your very own cariPro? Smile Brilliant is giving away this very toothbrush, the cariPro Ultrasonic Electric Toothbrush to my followers! All you have to do to enter is visit this give-away link here!

If you are just dying to go ahead and try out the cariPro, Smile Brilliant is giving my followers 20% off the cariPRO Ultrasonic electric toothbrushes with the code “morrellsarmoire20”!

From my bathroom counter to yours, thanks for stopping by.


How to Dress Professionally for an Interview


Hi friends, as if you may not have known, I am also a Career Coach in the professional world. I help high school students with jobs skills, college applications, financial aid, essential job skills, career placement and more. 

One of my favorite things is when I can marry my two passions- career coaching and fashion! 

So today, I am going to talk about the professional way to dress for an interview. Because, believe it or not, there is a right and a wrong way to dress for a job and especially an interview.  As the fashion world is ever changing, l think so many young girls may need help with their appearance. I truly hope that you may find this helpful if you are about to interview fro your first “big girl” job.

While you don't have to spend a lot of money on your wardrobe, putting in a little extra effort will pay off in the long run for your professional life. 

As much as we fight against judgement in today's time, you WILL be judged solely on your appearance with in the first minute when it comes to your interview , so make it a good first impression. First impressions are huge in interviews, and can sometimes make or break your outcome. 

 In general, the candidate dressed in a suit and tie, or dress and heels, will make a much better impression than the candidate dressed in jeans and sneakers. You will also be judged on the way you carry yourself. Are you confident, or self-conscience?

In the words of a Fashion Blogger/Career Coach, I always say dress “nicer” than what that company wears on a day to day basis. DRESS TO IMPRESS or DRESS FOR SUCCESS. So if you are going to interview with Jake at State Farm, I would wear something dressier than a polo and khakis. DRESS FOR THE JOB YOU WANT. Over-dressing and under-dressing are also a thing…. From the lessons of the “Stepbrothers” interview, you don’t want to wear a tuxedo to a job that requires you to clean bathrooms. Dressing professionally shows respect for yourself, the interviewer, and the company. You may not have to dress like this every day, but you are more likely to be taken seriously when you present yourself in a professional manner and take the time to attend to details.

So ladies, there’s a lot to learn so let's get going. Here are my top tips with my little spin on how to dress professionally for an interview.

  1. When in doubt, wear a suit

You would rather be overdressed than under... Take pride in the way you look on your interview day. Try pants or a pencil skirt with a matching blazer, or a nice blouse. Dresses are acceptable as well.

2. Purple Pimp Suits aren’t poppin’

Try to avoid flashy colors. These colors are distracting to the interviewer. Stick with dressing in conservative colors such as nudes, navy, grey, black, white, possibly tan. Stay away from leopard prints, lacey, and sheer tops. 

Great Interview Suit Options

3. “The higher the heel, the closer to God” is only true on The Real Housewives

Ladies, you are going to an interview, not the club. I would refrain from the 6 in. stiletto heels. Lower, thicker, heels are best, mainly because they are easier to walk in.

4. The Closed Toe Shoe Game 

Closed toed shoes are simply more professional. You can even wear flats.

Try to refrain from sandals. Some dressy sandals, and peep toe pumps are ok, but the closed toe is the safest option. NEVER EVER wear tennis shoes or flip flops.

Great Interview Shoes

5. Did you Bathe?

I probably shouldn’t have to recap this, but you would be surprised. I know that dry shampoo is our great and best friends these days, but always make sure to have your personal hygiene under control before your interview. Take a bath. Brush your teeth. Brush your hair. Wear Deodorant. You get the picture.  

6.  Keep Your Heels Long, and Your Skirt Short!

Hah! Got you, didn't I? Actually keep your heels short, and your skirt long! Listen ladies, if you have to stand in front of the mirror in the morning and ask yourself, “Is this too short?” then it probably is, so don’t wear it!!! Girl, you think that pencil skirt is too long? It’s probably exactly were it needs to be on the knee. Get used to the non-mini skirt.

The going rule for skirt length is three inches above the knee, or well past your fingertips. An interview is not the time to feel sexy. We have date nights for that. Keep it conservative. Keep it classy. 

Great Interview Skirts

7. Cover up!

Can you bend over without having to put your hand over your chest? If you can’t, your shirt is TOO LOW. I keep going back to this, but conservative is key! Never wear tube tops, tank tops, or spaghetti straps. It’s always most professional to cover your shoulders. Nobody wants to see your bra straps.

Great Interview Tops

8. You Gaudy Girl!

Leave the statement jewelry at home. I love big statement pieces, like my big jeweled J.crew colorful necklaces. However, these can be very distracting to the interviewer. If I have chandeliers hanging from my ears, what are you going to be looking/thinking about the majority of the time? Stick to those that are not flashy, distracting, or shiny.  Dainty jewelry, like a small strand of pearls, would be great!  

Great Interview Accessories

9. Nailed it!

 If you wear colored nail polish, make sure it's a neutral or natural shades. Fire-alarm-fire red hues and frozen-pop pinks aren't likely to be good colors for an interview as a lawyer, accountant or engineer, or any paraprofessionals in these fields. Stick to sheer colors, taupe, beige or clear nail polish and ensure your nails are well-manicured. Also avoid really long nails. 

Great Interview Nail Colors

10. Get comfortable.

Wear clothes that you are comfortable in. You don’t want to be pulling on your clothes the entire interview. This may cause distractions for you and the interviewer.

11. Dress Codes are for High School!

Wrong! Know the company dress code. You may want to know if you should dress business casual (slacks and a blouse) or business professional (two-piece suit).There is a big difference. Some companies may regard open toed shoes, or heels, as a safety hazard. 

12. Go All-Nat-ur-al.

Stage makeup for an interview has a different meaning. Don’t overdo it like you just watched a Youtube tutorial.  I would recommend natural makeup looks for your interview. Dark eye shadows, and lipsticks are for other events like date night, dinner with the girls, or shopping and lunch. 

Natural Makeup Options

13. You Smell like the 8th Grade Locker Room!

Just like the jewelry, don’t over do the cologne or perfume . Don’t “bathe” in it where we can smell you coming down the hall 9 miles away. I love perfume. I wear it everyday, but I keep it to a minimum. I’m thinking two pumps will do! You don't want to have such a strong smell that the interviewer is choking across the table. Perfume is most pleasant when light. 

Top Pleasant, Not Overpowering Scents

14. Do you mind if I strap your phone to my head so I can pretend that you are listening to me?

Don’t ever take your cell phone or earbuds in an interview. This fashion accessory is best when left in the car. Otherwise, you risk seeming distracted and unfocused, and you certainly don't want to be fumbling with tangled cords as you meet and shake hands with your interviewer.

Here are some more examples of business professional and business casual looks…

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Candice Brown Photography

From my closest to yours, thanks for stopping by.


4 Easy Ways To Wear the Silk Scarf

Ladies, the 50’s scarf is back and bigger than ever this spring and summer. The silk scarf is the number one accessory of the season! From endless hair accessories, wrapping it around your bag, and sprucing up your outfit game, a silk scarf is the ultimate versatile accessory of all time!

Here are a couple of classic ways to wear your new scarf!

  1. Headband

    With the scarf rolled, tie into a knot at the crown of your head and give yourself the cutest bunny ears. Rosie the Riveter just got a make-over!


2. Around the neck

Roll your scarf diagonally, wrap once around your neck with the ends facing back, loop and tie loosely on one side. This is the perfect way to class up a blazer or dress.


3. Bag Accessory

Tie it in a knot around the strap of your bag for the perfect pop pf color.


4. Pony Tie

Tie it in a knot around your pony for a colorful hair accessory, sure to turns heads. If you're an entry level scarf wearer, try this easy look. Reach for a long, skinny silk scarf if you want to tie it in a bow.

You can even wrap this look around a bun for a fun look.


Shop my favorite Silk Scarves

From my closet to yours, thanks for stopping by.


Candice Brown Photography

10 Reasons Why You Should Own a Red Dress


Chicwish Dress | Similar Shoes | Tory Burch Bag | Karen Walker Sunglasses

Listen here ladies, EVERY woman should own a red dress and wear it… not just for times when you’re seeking romance. I know you’ve heard of the LBD (little black dress) for the times when you felt you have nothing to wear, but what about the LRD?

Here are 10 reasons why everyone needs a Red Dress!

  1. The red dress effect is real!

    “It’s a putative phenomenon in which people wearing red clothing, such as a red dress, are perceived to be more sexually appealing than they are when wearing other colors”

  2. The color red is associated with confidence, sexiness, and power!

    There is power in red. Nothing says girls boss like red!

  3. You can literally wear red in any season!

    There are not many colors that can do that! Wear it All. Year. Long.

4. It symbolizes love and romance.

Single? Rock it! Taken? Rock it!

5. It gets you noticed!

Whether it’s a leadership position at work or a romantic date night, you will always turn heads in red.

6. It’ s extremely versatile!

Wear red during in the day and night! Wear it to brunch with the girls in the morning, or at night for a night on the town.

7. Red is not just one shade.

There are deep reds, such as burgundy, and light shades of red, such as rose. Like they say, there is a shade of red for everyone.

7. You can really pump up the look with red lipstick!

As if you needed another reason to wear red lipstick?

8. Wearing Red changes your attitude.

When I put on red, I feel like I can conquer the world.

9. Red is luxe.

It just can’t be explained; red looks rich on its own. Cha-ching!

10. If you don’t own a red dress, you’re missing out!

Everyone needs a dose of the vivid, vivacious pulse of energy that will instantly engulf you when you put this on.

My gorgeous LRD is from Chicwish. I love the lace detailing which makes it more sweet than sexy-perfect for a fancy brunch. It’s the perfect combination of feminine and edgy. I am wearing a small.

From my closet to yours, thanks for stopping by.


Shop the Look

20 Ways to Kick the Winter Blues


Here it is again. The Winter Blues are upon us. The stretch of time after Christmas that we always feel down and depressed throughout the remainder of the winter months. It makes for a nice Holiday Hangover, huh? Because these feelings always seemed to pop up around the same time every year, I started reading about this online. There is actually a thing called SAD- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

“This is a type of depression that comes and goes with the seasons, typically starting in the late fall and early winter and going away during the spring and summer. Depressive episodes linked to the summer can occur, but are much less common than winter episodes of SAD.”

I first found these anxious/ sad feelings in college, especially before fall finals.  The stress of finals combined with cold, dreary, dark, weather is not a good combination. I was normally ok after finals until Christmas, but when Christmas was over, my mood plummeted. I guess it has a lot to do with the Holiday Hype being over- being around friends and family, presents, eating, all of it is over until the next year.  That’s not a good feeling. Then it gets worse. We have to resume our lives and go back to work. January also does not offer the best weather either. I feel like 80% of this month has already been cold, dark, dreary, and rainy days.

It’s not my favorite time of year; however, I know these feelings of sadness and anxiousness can be combated if we take the right approach this Winter.

Here are some things that have helped me fight the Winter Blues….

  1. Wear bright colors.

     I know there has to be some correlation between bright beautiful colors and your feelings. Making myself wearing some of my favorite bright colors have always helped me conquer the day.  

  2. Get some Vitamin D.

    There are not many sunny days in January, but when there is one, go outside and take a walk or just sit and soak it in.

  3. Take a walk.

    Breath in some fresh air and move your body. Walking also gives you time to relax and clear your head.

  4. Hang out with positive people.

     As easy as it may be to curl up alone with Netflix in bed, being around friends that support you will really do you well. I always feel better after I hang out with my friends and get things off my chest. Just to have someone listen will help tremendously.

  5. Exercising.

    I’m not going to lie, it’s sometimes really hard for me to exercise, especially when I am alone. When I need to blow off steam, walking works great for me, and Yoga has changed my life. If I don't have a yoga class scheduled, I will pull up a couple of stress relief yoga classes on Youtube.

  6. Play Music.

    Good upbeat music that I love always makes me feel better. I love sad slow songs but I try and stay away during these months.

  7. Help Others.

    One AMAZING thing about my job is I get to help students every day with their future. Giving back always makes you feel good inside. Volunteer at a shelter, or give your time to a school. I bet if you reach out to the right person,  they can use you in more ways than you know. Giving back really increases my overall life satisfaction.

  8. Eat Healthier.

    Did you know that some foods can actually affect your mood. Don’t eat crap foods like sweets.

  9. Brighten the environment.

    Letting the light in can really improve your mood. Pull back the curtains, open the blinds, let the light shine.

  10. Get up at a decent hour.

    For some reason, If I oversleep into 9 and 10 am on the weekends, I actually feel much worse. Sometimes I even feel more tired after sleeping in. Waking up earlier might feel bad at the time, but it will help you get your day started, and you feel more energized throughout the day.

  11. Get up, Get dressed.

    It’s easy to stay in my Pj’s all day, but getting up, putting on makeup, and fixing my hair, gives me a sense of readiness to conquer tasks on my to-do list.

  12. Clean-up and Clean-out.

    Cleaning is actually relaxing to me and kind-of therapeutic. This may not be the case for you, but I do know that if you spend a little time organizing an cleaning out that cluttered closet, it will make you feel much more relaxed and happier after the task is done. Clutter can make us anxious. Free yourself from the extras that you don't need. Donating some items will intensify your happiness.

  13. Get out of town.

    Sometimes just a change of scenery can do wonders. Book a mini weekend va-cay with your husband or friends.

  14. Take Long Hot Baths.

    With bath bombs, face masks, and a glass of wine to unwind.

  15. Try some essential oils.

    I’ve used some of these from Bed, Bath and Beyond.  Breathing in the relaxing oils will help you with the winter anxiousness and help foster healthy sleep.  

  16. Write.

    Writing in a journal is a helpful way to release tension. It doesn’t matter what you write about, just put down whatever comes to the tip of your pen.

  17. Practice Meditation.

    Not only full meditation, but just having a full hour of quiet time in the morning can help with your thoughts and mindfulness. I love the time in the morning when I’m alone and putting on my makeup. It the first time of the day when I can clear my thoughts, then think about how I can prepare for the day that lies ahead.

  18. Don’t spend a lot of time scrolling through Social Media.

    Social Media has made it, sometimes, hard be thankful for what you are and what you have. We now can instantly see intimately into each person’s life ..if shared...And everything is shared these days! Feeling down or sad about something is easy to do when you constantly compare yourself to others.No wonder many people may find themselves depressed.

  19. Visit your favorite places in town.

    Get out and get going. My favorite pace to visit in my town is one of my favorite coffee shops. It’s very comforting for me to visit there, grab an espresso and just chill. Maybe your place is the book store. Visiting things that are near and dear to your heart helps.

  20. Express Gratitude.

    This one is my absolute favorite. I  have learned that with Gratitude comes Happiness! To be grateful or not to be grateful for what we have, is our choice. Happiness is a choice. We are in charge of our lives and we can decide to live as we want. I look around at my family, my husband, we are alive and well and that’s just one thing to be thankful for. Just. Appreciate. Everything. Something that has helped in the past was writing down at least 3 things you’re grateful for every morning. Before long, you’ll have more things to appreciate that you can count. You’ll be more positive on a day to day basis and start exude a high frequency to the universe! Now is the time to interrupt your anxiety with gratitude, because today I AM THANKFUL!

Thanks for visiting and reading everyone. I really hope that this will help someone who is going through the Winter Blues.

From my closet to yours, thanks for stopping by.


Love God, Love People, Leave a Legacy

Hi everyone! Last weekend was a whirlwind! I was afforded the opportunity to speak at my church, Chatom United Methodist Church as the Lay Speaker for Laity Sunday.

I had a lot of people say they wish they could have heard my “sermon” so I decided to share it. I would love to read your comments and hear your thoughts. Please enjoy.

From my closest to yours, thanks for stopping by.


My 5th Year Mobile Fashion Week Experience


As I look back on 5 years at Mobile Fashion Week, I am so honored to be a part of this event. Wow, I can’t believe I’ve been doing this blogging thing for 5 years now!  Not only has it given me the opportunity to dress in the most outrageous outfits, but it has also given me a network of some great contacts, and friends that will last a lifetime.

I can't believe the first year of Mobile Fashion Week I was one of the featured bloggers. That was one of my favorite years! I won a free place to stay in a hotel in downtown Mobile. I went to both shows on two nights and blogged all of the greatness.

This was the first year that I actually did not go out and purchase a dress.  As hard as that was, I had this beautiful dress sitting in my closet from a New Year's Eve prior that I never got to wear.  I thought it would be absolutely perfect to wear to the event. It's shiny, it’s loud, and it makes a statement. What more could you want for fashion show attire ? I've got many similar dresses linked at the bottom of this post.

Nonetheless, I’ve always had a fabulous time at Mobile Fashion Week and this year was no different. It always seems like each year gets better, and I can honestly say that this year was the BEST show I've ever been to.

I finally made a blogger bestie Christy from The Bay Blonde, and she was able to go with me to the show. I left Orange Beach around 2 pm. I  went to her house for some cocktails and catching up. Then we headed out to Fashion Week at the Fort. As always, we were treated like royalty with front row seats and VIP tickets.  We even got to the after party later on that night.


Before the show started, I got to reconnect with all my friends including some of my favorite photographers, Frank Lee Roberts,  Jeff Byrd, and Larrah Melissa. Larrah was the very first photographer that I started working with as a fashion blogger. I got to reconnect with some of my designer friends, Megan from Mermania, and Brad from William Bradley.  Christy and I connected with a new blogger at our seats, Ember Langley who will be blogging from Paris this year. That was really cool.

I finally got to meet Sarah Levey from the Southern Atelier blog.  I’ve followed Sarah since the beginning, and I finally got to meet her in person. She was THE best dressed at Mobile Fashion Week. Her dress was by Destani Hoffman.  It was a stunner! Christy and I chowed down on mac and cheese and some heavy hors-d'oeuvres provided by Sylvia’s before the show. The drinks from Sylvia's were amazing as well.

Not to mention I got to see some brands that I've worked with in the past Maho Shades and Lotus Boutique. The teams from each of these businesses are so sweet, and I just love them so much.  Christy also introduced me to L + F Clothing Boutique.


 Pictured below are some of my favorite looks from some of the shows.


This look is from Sarah Elise. She's from Fairhope - my favorite place in the whole wide world. She's so young to be this good, only in her teens guys! This dress was stunningly beautiful. It reminded me of the French Country. Obsessed is the word! I just couldn't believe the detail in her work.  Sarah Elise Terral, you will go far! I LOVED your show!


Mermania is always one of my favorite lines. You know I love swimsuits.  Maybe it is because I live at the beach I’m so drawn to her swimmies? Her work is absolutely amazing. I just wish I had the booty buns to wear the cheeky stuff.  I also love that she donates a portion of her profits to the manatees. Megan always slays Mobile Fashion Week. One of my most favorite swimsuits I’ve ever worn was one of her Periwinkle high-waisted two-piece suits.  Nobody can beat her swim line.


And last but not least, I always have to say something about William Bradley.  We actually went to the same high school and grew up together. I just think it's so cool that two people from the same small, one red light town, have such a passion for fashion and who have just fought for their dreams. You may know him as Bradley, but I know him as Brad. Brad also runs the line Color Garb. He designs costumes for Color Guard teams across the nation. It's such a great business concept, and I wish him and Rodney nothing but the best on their endeavors and life.  

Bradley’s line at Mobile Fashion Week was out of this world.  It reminded me of old Hollywood glamour and Elizabeth Taylor, which both are style inspirations for me and my blog.

I really can't say enough about this venue. It was so beautiful with the buildings in the background and the night sky above us. It was absolutely amazing.

The show was incredible. The models were great.


I want to thank everybody who made this night possible. I know a lot of work and planning went into this night.  Most importantly, I'd like to thank Richard McGill Hamilton for pulling off this amazing charity event, for always including me, and making me feel like blogger royalty.

The most important part of the night is that Mobile Fashion Week donates a portion of their profits to Camp Rap a Hope which helps kids with cancer. It's not just a fashion show, it's people coming to together for a cause- Fashion with a Cause! Fashion brings people together and that's what it’s all about.

From my closet to yours, Thanks for stopping by.


Shop Similar Dresses

Paws-itively Smart Food for your Pet: Purina ONE® SmartBlend

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PurinaONEPets #CollectiveBias


Interested in trying the 28 day challenge? Hover over the photo to click through to Target to shop these products!

Hey guys! Exciting news, this month my Yorkie pup Oliver and I were honored to partner with Purina ONE! For the past couple of weeks, Oliver has been eating and loving his new Purina ONE SmartBlend Lamb & Rice Adult Dry Dog Food ! In the past, we have bought the True Instinct Formula with Real Turkey & Venison Dog Food from Purina ONE. I was highly impressed then, but now I see why this brand is incomparable!

Oliver is a senior dog. He is 11 years old, going on 12 in April. I’ve had him since the summer before my senior year in high school! He’s been with me through some really hard times, break-ups, tornados, college finals, and the list goes on and on... He was once my only college roommate. He’s taken care of me, so now it’s time for me to take care of him! I want to take the best steps to maintain his health for the remainder of his life.

Purina ONE products come in formulas for all life stages, so Oliver, with the help of his mom, took the 28 day challenge with Purina ONE SmartBlend Lamb & Rice Adult Dry Dog Food. Dogs can really see (literally) what a difference the 28 days can make! I can see the difference too! Did you know that eight out of ten dogs owners reported a visible difference after using this food for 28 days?

Here’s how our 28 day Purina ONE challenge went:


    • Starting with my dog’s first full bowl of Purina ONE, I could see more excitement around mealtime. It’s like he could already feel the tastiness after just one bowl. Thanks to the crunchy bites and tender, meaty morsels that help keep them coming back meal after meal. Oliver loves meal time even more now and spins circles when I get out this bag of food.


    • The SmartBlend of nutrition in every bag helps support your dog’s health. I could tell that Oliver had more energy and wanted to play more than often. He is so funny, because out of every bowl, he will eat all of the meaty bites first. I think they are his favorite! He eats more and plays more.


    • Purina ONE formulas are easy to digest and promote high nutrient absorption, so more nutrition goes to work inside your dog. (*excluding Healthy Weight Formula). Oliver somehow just seems like he feels better than before we started the challenge.


    • Supported by omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins & minerals, Oliver’s eyes are more clear and his coat is nice and silky. Oliver’s eyes were starting to get cloudy before Purina ONE. I am so glad we found this formula!

      By the end of the month, I could see extremely positive changes in his overall health! It was like my pup had found the fountain of youth!

      There were highly visible signs of healthiness I saw in Oliver after using Purina ONE, including bright eyes, healthy skin and coat, and much more energy. Not to mention healthy digestion. We had no problems with potty time after being on this food for just over 15 days.

      I think this food is wonderful for my senior pooch because EVERY ingredient has a purpose for his health!

TAKE THE PURINA ONE® 28-DAY CHALLENGE! You could see a difference in your dog in just 28 days when you make the switch to Purina ONE!

Where can I buy Purina ONE?

Oliver and I went shopping for Purina One at Target, one of my FAVORITE stores! The shopping experience was so fun. Who doesn’t love Target? I usually go there for one or two things and end up leaving with lots more! You know it’s true. I just love the fact that I can get my dog’s favorite food at my favorite store. Don’t worry there is also a Purina ONE SmartBlend for Cats too!

Lucky for my readers, you can start the 28 day challenge easily now because Target has some great deals and promotions going on right now!

  • 5% off + free shipping when you subscribe to Purina ONE® at Target

  • Sign up now to get a $3 off coupon and a personalized food recommendation for your pet

  • Print a coupon from 9/19-10-13: FREE $5 Target GiftCard™ with a Purina pet food, litter, and/or treats purchase of $25 or more on right now for Purina One!


  • 9/23 - 9/29 - Buy 2 bags of Purina ONE® Dry Dog Food and get a $5 Target GiftCard

I know that Oliver and I will never be switching foods again. After the transformation I’ve witnessed in my dog, I know the high quality nutrition of Purina ONE will help support your dog's immune system for years to come! The results speak for itself. Purina ONE is dedicated to all of our pet’s lifelong potential. I don’t know about you, but I want my dog Oliver to live a healthy life as long as possible.

My dog Oliver is a Purina ONE Pet and your's can be one too!

From my closet to yours, thanks for stopping by!




Four Years of Mobile Fashion Week Looks

It’s that time a year again! FASHION WEEK is upon us. Since I was unable to attend NYFW last week, I am thrilled to be back at Mobile Fashion Week next weekend! On September 22nd, Mobile will take on it’s own Fashion Week by storm at the Fort of Colonial Mobile! I am so excited for the new venue! If you’re local or would love to make the drive (believe me, it’s worth it), head on over to their website and purchase your tickets for a fun night out with the girls! Heck, even bring the hubby! I dragged Lance to Birmingham Fashion Week one year, and he was actually really impressed. We had a good time.

What does my blog have to do with fashion shows you ask? Bloggers attend fashion shows to create awareness for new trends and new brands! We also can create buzz about the shows and build up anticipation. But fashion week for bloggers isn't just about going to shows, it’s about networking with the fashion industry; other bloggers, designers, marketers, and photographers, etc.

I have been so blessed to have attended and blogged about MOBFW for four years in a row. Here’s a look back at all my outfits from four years past.

Let’s go!







What will I wear this year?

From my closet to yours, thanks for stopping by.


The Best Labor Day Party Idea

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My Macy's Picnic Set | Karen Walker Sunglasses | LOLEA 

End the summer on a high note with a Lolea Picnic!  It's a non-expensive and easy way to enjoy the day! A fun outdoor picnic is an easy party idea, which will help you stay relaxed while you entertain on your day off. 

 My favorite flavour for a summer spritzer is the Lolea Rose! I've even got my drinking it, and shes's a finicky wino. The Lolea brand has a sophisticated and stylish take on sangria made from Tempranillo grapes, hibiscus flower, and refreshing ginger natural flavours. The bottle is extra fashionable as well. Garnish with a hint of lemon, or better yet they recommend a hibiscus flower.  You can find Lolea Sangria and Rose at Fresh Market and Rouses. There are numbers 

Right now, Lolea is running a promotion on their website from now until Labor Day weekend. Use the code “LOLEAFREESHIPPING”  for free shipping. You might also want to try LOLEA organic N4 available on Lolea’s website! 

Thanks, Lolea for the delicious Rose and Sangria! My Labor Day picnic is now complete.

From my closet to yours, thanks for stopping by.



Shop Similar Picnic Sets

Why Everyone Needs the Target REDcard


Because Target is like a casino, you lose track of time and money. So, I was very reluctant to open yet another store credit card in my name. They always get you with the points,  but here's the catch- with Target there's a debit card option! The Target REDcard does NOT have to be a credit card! However, there is a credit card option if that's more your style. Target offers both debit and credit cards.

 I can pay with the REDcard at Target stores or online and get 5% off EVERYTHING, EVERYTIME. With the Target REDcard debit option, I pay with the REDcard and then two days later it debits my personal banking account- just as if I were swiping my debit card in the first place... AND I get 5% off. I like this option because I don't have the chance to go crazy with a credit card, I get 5% off, and I budget out of my personal bank account. 

Also, by being a REDcard member, I get exclusive deals and early access. You can also combine your extra 5% off with the Cartwheel App! So use the Cartwheel App to save 5-50% on hundreds of items in stores & save an EXTRA 5% when you pay with your REDcard.

I even get a Starbucks discount! Let me repeat, Starbucks discount! I save 5% when I use my REDcard at any in-store Starbucks location. 

I can track all my purchases (even in-store & online ) through my REDcard account!

Benefits of the Target REDcard

  • 5% off EVERY purchase
  • Free shipping at (no minimum purchase)
  • 30 extra days for extended returns
  • Early access to select events, products and promotions 
  • REDcard holders can easily review past statements, check their debit card transaction history and manage their PIN through their online account.
  • Exclusive offers available only to REDcard holders-extras, including special items, gifts and offers 

I love my RED debit card and I use it all the time without having to use credit at Target! Click the link below and start saving, because who doesn't love Target?

From my closet to yours, thanks for stopping by.


The Home Organized

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caitlyn junk drawer (1).jpg
lauren bedside.jpg
caitlyns playroom 4.JPG
Christmas 2016-2 (1 of 1).jpg

Today, I'm doing something a little different. I found this amazing local Mobile, AL account on Instagram -The Home Organized! I was so intrigued by her work, I reached out and asked if she would be interested in doing a guest blog post on Morrell's Armoire! To much of my excitement, she was interested! It is my honor, and I would love to introduce to you, Clara, owner and founder of The Home Organized! Basically, she can come to your home and declutter your life! I appreciate organization and I think it's beautiful when done right. I love this business concept emphatically! I can't wait to call Clara when we start building my closet. She especially likes to work with busy moms. Talk about a #GirlBoss!

Please, welcome Clara to Morrell's Armoire!


Hi dear friends! I am excited to be a guest blogger today for Morrell's Armoire. I absolutely adore Morrell, her style and everything she puts out there! It’s an honor to share with yall what I do in my little corner of the world and hope you enjoy this post. OK, so allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Clara and I am a home organizer in and around Mobile, Alabama. I am a Mom of two little boys and wife to a rock star of an accountant, Stephen.

If you aren't familiar with what a home organizer does, let me explain. My job is to come into my client's homes, help them edit the amount of clutter they have, organize it and set up maintainable and simple solutions. I help space plan, haul away trash, donations, & recycling on behalf of my clients as well as shop for products for their homes. Each client’s interior design is unique and I love coming alongside them to create fluidity and functionality from the exterior to those spaces behind closed doors.

I work in all areas of the home - from pantry & kitchens to closets, mudrooms, playrooms, garages and more. I really love working with families (especially busy Moms) and am super happy working in playrooms and closets. Seriously yall, I love closets. GIVE ME ALL THE CLOSETS!

I've had the privilege of working alongside some amazing clients and been honored to be a part of the One Room Challenge by HouseBeautiful and excited about partnering with Joe Vinson Builders/Caitlyn Waite Designs and Pottery Barn for the Parade of Homes in October. 

If you would like to know more or just curious about an organizers life – I would love for you to come to say hi and follow along @thehomeorganized_ , on Facebook at The Home Organized or see all my Services and blog on

Thanks again Morrell for allowing to be on your blog and I hope to see you soon!

Much love!!


Shop Favorite Home Organization Products

Blogging FAQ: Answering the Most Commonly Asked Questions about Blogging

                                                 Candice Brown Photography

                                                 Candice Brown Photography

Hey everyone, over the past couple of weeks, I have had some readers reach out and ask me questions about blogging and how I got started. I thought I would share with you the most asked questions I get about Morrell's Armoire and Blogging. 

When did you start your blog?

I started my blog in the Summer of 2013 right after I graduated from Graduate School at the University of Alabama. I was interviewing for “big girl jobs” at a LOT of places after graduation.  It started it in the meantime of trying to find a real job.


Why did you start your blog?

In all seriousness, and if I’m being truthful with you, I started my blog because I wanted to be a real model and a lot of people told me I could never be a model because of my height.  They also said that I was too “Southern Belle” and maybe I should cut my hair and stop curling it. "Become more edgy!" These were the things that I loved about myself. I wanted to keep them.

I thought to myself, I’ll show them! After hours upon hours of researching, I fell in love with the idea of starting a fashion blog. I could be my own model!! After I spent more time researching other fashion blogs, I finally decided to just do it. I felt it was a great way to document my style. Not mention I have ALWAYS had a passion for clothes, fashion, dressing up….I’ve always wanted a reason to get dressed up.

I also just really wanted to help people with their style and confidence.  Morrell’s Armoire is now my "creative outlet fueled by my passion". Morrell’s Armoire has given me courage, creativity, and so much happiness. Sharing my style is now one of my favorite things to do! 


 How did you come up with your blog’s name?

 I called it Morrell’s Armoire because I wanted something that sounded classy and sophisticated. Armoire means closet, and in my eyes, it says closet in a romantic "Frenchy" way. I’ve always had an Armoire in my childhood room where I kept my most special things. My closet is my refuge and sanctuary. Every piece of clothing in my closet is like my own child. Each piece has a story and a memory. It’s so hard for me to let go of clothes. Read This.

Do you have any advice for choosing a blog name?

Make it your own! Make it something that describes yourself, but something easy to remember- short and sweet. Make it personal and meaningful. The name of your blog should reflect your blog's topic. A lot of people can’t remember the last part of my blog’s name because it’s a little hard to pronounce.  I’ve learned people have a hard time remembering it. That’s one thing I’ve learned thus far. about titles.

Don’t obsess over your blog name. A cool blog name is just one piece of the pie. An awesome blog title alone will not make you successful. It’s all about the content that you put into it day in and day out.

Don’t compare yourself to other bloggers. The more different your blog is, the better. That’s how you stand out.


Do you make money off your blog and can you make a living just from blogging?

YES! A lot of bloggers turn their blog into a small business and pay themselves a salary through their business finances. However, Morrell’s Armoire income is not enough for me to live off right now… solely. Lance and I are in the process of trying to build our forever home, you see.

I have been doing 2 jobs (blogging and working full-time in education) for about five years now, and I honestly haven’t been able to put enough time into my blog to make it my sole source of income. It’s great supplemental income for now. Plus, I love my full-time job as a Career Counselor! Moreover, I work for the state, and I’ve got reeeeeaaaaaaalllllllly good health insurance for Lance and me.  My full-time job offers retirement, excellent health insurance (vision, dental and cancer), and supplemental savings options. I know with the income that I make now off Morrell’s Armoire is not enough to support these benefits. If you work on your own, health insurance isn’t cheap! I just like the security of having these benefits. Knowing that my job will provide excellent health care to my family and future kids means a lot to me. You may be different and want to take a risk, which is fine. 

 Once I can make more than my full-time salary, I would consider solely blogging. I wouldn’t advise leaving your job unless you have financial support from a spouse or parents, or you can consistently replace your income every month with your blog.  You need to be able to pay your bills!

One cool thing about my full-time job is that I get six weeks off in the summer, so I get to spend a lot of time on my blog during the summer months. Summer months are  are busy for bloggers anyway…

I’ve always had a full-time job. I blog after work hours. It’s a lot. I get off work at 3:15 p.m. I then go to a coffee shop or home and write article, link up my outfits, or meet my friends and take pictures. Sometimes I blog on the weekends. I literally blog almost every minute of free time that I get, and I still have to balance my home and personal life. I just love to do it-share style. I have now kind of incorporated my love for fashion with my counseling job. I’ve starting the “Dress for Success Program at my schools. It helps young men and women learn how to dress professionally!

If you want to be a blogger because you think you’ll get free clothes, and free travel and it looks glamorous, that’s not going to be enough to keep you up and running. You have to have a serious passion for the subject your blogging about. I have never looked at my blog as  burden or  an“extra” job. It’s just a passion of mine and it keeps me going, going, going.


What are some way bloggers make money?

Here are some ways to make money off your blog:

  •   Advertising:  

Companies can pay to put their adds on my side. However, I do not have any paid adverting on my page now.

  • Brand Partnerships:

These are set up differently through each brand. Some PR Agencies are companies that will reach out to you. They are the middle man between the blogger and the brand. Before the campaign begins, they help both parties work out a deal that is beneficial for both parties.  I worked with PR agencies for my promotion with Goodies and Bone Fish Restaurant, just to name a few. Most PR companies I’ve worked with make sure that everything is running smoothly and the influencer is upholding their end of the contract. You can make a bad name for yourself in the industry if you don’t hold up your end of the deal.

  •   Affiliate links:

This is my favorote way! Most big online retailers are a part of an affiliate network within a company that is essentially the middleman between bloggers and retailers. There are a lot of affiliate companies like Shop style, Rekutin Marketing , Impact Radius, Amazon Affiliates but the main one most bloggers use is rewardStyleI honestly only use this program right now. It seems to be the best for me. RewardStyle is linked up with the most retailers. I have learned over the years that this company has really advocated for bloggers.

How does it work? 

The retailer or brand meets with rewardStyle to determine a percentage that the influencer or blogger will earn on any and every sale that is generated through links on their blog or social media channels. They track the activity of the links through cookies.  Affiliate links work by placing a cookie on your computer. A cookie is a tiny file that the website sends to your computer so next time you visit, they will know who you are already. Cookies stays active usually 30 days, but sometimes longer.

Please know that that there is never an additional fee charged to the shopper by the company that is then given to the bloggers. The company pays rewardStyle, then rewardStyle pays the blogger commission. It’s a win win situation. It’s kind of like a salesman getting a commission from selling a car, or shoes or whatever they may sell.  Shoppers like to know when there are affiliate links present, because they want control over who gets their commission.

Also note that you have to be approved by rewardStyle and have a Legit blog or social media blog. 

I do believe in and LOVE all the products that I post about. I don’t just post something to sell and potentially make money.

  •   Sell Memberships

Another option to make money is to sell memberships to exclusive spots of your website. For instance, a sports blog might charge $20 per month for users to gain access to their exclusive celeb interview board. If you are starting up, I probably would not charge a fee. This may be a turn off to readers.

  •  Sell Digital Products

Many bloggers create and sell their own digital products, like new crazed Instagram filters. Digital products are great because they don’t require inventory and can be distributed to quickly and easily. Another example is an e-book about how to grow your Instagram following or how to make a blog.

  • Sell Services

For instance, some brands have hied me for styling. I have helped Shades, Southern Shirt, and even Mobile Bay Bridal Magazine style photoshoots- all paid opportunities. 

Can you Contact Brands?

Although I haven’t had much time to do this in the past, it’s ok to reach out to PR agencies and brands for advertising deals.

Note: Have a Media Kit ready to present to the Agency. This a couple of pages that explains the focus of the blog, shows some of your media and photos, and it also presents your following count, your target market, and the demographics that follow you. I also have a page of what I usually charge for a partnership.

Who takes your photos?

The process of taking photos is  probably not what you think. It’s A LOT OF WORK.  I COULD NOT do it without my friends who are professional photographers,  my mom,  and occasionally my husband. I usually change clothes in my car, sweating profusely because the humidity is like 100000+ in South Alabama. I normally do about 3-4 outfits in a shooting. I ‘ll meeting my photographer friend at a location after my full-time work.

This is  a big undertaking. I have to plan out my outfits the night before. Pack it all up in my car. Re-do my hair and make-up. Unpack it and reorganize for the next time… It’s a never ending cycle…. But like I said, I love doing this and it’s a passion of mine, so I do not mind it at all. It doesn’t feel like work to me.

 My blog would literally not exist if it weren’t for my amazing photographer friends. I pay them with my own money when I can, and I give them product that I have received as payment when I can. These girls really don’t get enough credit. They are awesome! They are the bread and butter of Morrell’s Armoire! I wouldn’t be here if it were not for them.

Recently, I’ve been working a lot with Candice Brown Photography. We have become great friends! We don’t always meet up just for pictures, but we grab drinks, dinner… We even did a double date with our husbands! It was so fun! I can’t wait to do it again.

In the past, I’ve worked with Larrah Melissa when we lived in the same town.I've worked with a lot of other great photographers in the South Alabama Area! 

With my photographer friends, we uplift each other. We tag each other in our posts, and watch each of our businesses grow together.

Anytime I get a cool sponsorship, I always include my photographer. If I ever get sponsored on a cool trip, you better believe she will be coming with me. If I ever get “big” enough that I am making a substantial income off my blog, I will see that my photographer is taken care of as well.  She deserves it!

When my friends are not available, my mom is great… If it comes down to crunch time and no one is available, I make Lance take my pictures. Let’s just say we are still working on that, haha…. Lance is getting better. He does support me and that’s one of the many things I love about him. I feel guilty for asking my family most of the time, but hey it’s got to get done.

What camera does your photographer use?

Candice uses a Nikon d810.  She always tries to get everything just perfect in the initial picture.


What camera do you personally use?

Nikon Cool Pix

 What program do you use to edit your photos?

You may be shocked to know that when I alone edit my own pictures, I ONLY use IPhoto. That’s it… I’m keeping it as real as it gets. You can probably tell a difference from my photos and my photographers. Candice uses Photoshop, Lightroom, and Portraiture, but not all three on the same picture every time. About 90% of the time Candice uses just Lightroom.


Are all your clothes free?

No! I do get a lot of clothes and products to keep in exchange for a review post. So essentially, it’s not free. I must put in a lot of work for one post or review. However, the of the majority of my clothes that I blog about are bought with my own money.  

NOTE: I only post clothes and products that I love. If I do not like the product, I will not write about it and share it.


What is the coolest thing you have ever done with your blog?

I was on the cover of Mobile Bay Magazine in May 2015. That was pretty awesome and my favorite event so far. Fashion Show VIP status isn't bad either.


Did you pay someone to build your website?

 I have had two websites. The first one I made right out of college all by myself in 2013 ! I used Fatcow for hosting and I used the blogging templates offered by Fatcow. I am not at all Tech savy. It took me a while, but I figured it all out over the course of three days or so. It was not expensive. It costs about $250.00 a year to keep it up and running.

When I added on my store in 2017, I wanted to move to Squarespace for E-commerce. I paid my friend Alex Joganic to design my logos, and my new blog and commerce website through Squarespace.  He was awesome. He specializes in fronts and runs a couple of businesses himself.

There is no right or wrong answer to building your website. Just know that if you hire a professional, it can be anywhere from $600.00- $5,000.00 to design your website, depending on who you go with for designing. Find a friend that can cut you a nice deal!


Do you have an assistant?

I wish! I wish I had someone to just follow me around every single day with a camera, as weird as that sounds. It would make daily outfit documentation so much easier.


What is your advice about starting an online boutique/small business?

My end goal WAS to start my own online store, so I finally just did it and jumped right in…. My ideas and opinions on this have changed drastically since then.  I have learned so much about starting a small retail business.

This will have to be all included in another separate post because it is a lot to explain about how to start an online store…

Just few pieces of advice for right now—

1. The boutique world is oversaturated. You have to have a great following and niche to set yourself apart make your things sell. Turning your inventory over in a hurry is the key.

2. DO not let yourself have emotional attachment to what you sell. It’s not about what you think is cute. It’s about what other people are buying.

3. GET AN ACCOUNTANT.  There are a lot of tax rules about starting a business. TAXES SUCK!

PS I’m going to write a post soon about “How To Start an Online E-commerce Site” I will include everything I have learned-the good, bad and the ugly.



I think that about covers everything. I hope you enjoyed that and found it very helpful. That took me about 3 weeks to finish. Please reach out if you have anymore questions. I am happy to help in anyway.

From my closet to yours, thanks for stopping by.
























LOVE is a Four Legged Word


 I have had my Yorkie, Oliver, for eleven years this past Aprill. He is like my child. He, no doubt, has a piece of my heart, and is a part of my family. I can't imagine life without him. Our dogs are so special. They can never be replaced.
We can learn so much from our dogs while they are present in our lives, and even more so after they are gone. If only people were more like dogs, the world would be a more better place!

1. Forgive and love unconditionally.

No matter your condition... No matter what you look like... No matter what you have ...
No matter what you have done in the past, they love you more than life itself. Loving
someone unconditionally is something very hard to do for humans. We hold grudges.
We are jealous beings. This world would be such a better place if everyone loved as
your dog does. Even, if you have just yelled at your dog, they still long for your love and
affection. Loving your enemies is something very hard to do. Do dogs even have any enemies?

2. Are loyal

Your dog will stand by your side no matter what. They will defend you in the toughest
situations to the very end. Just think about how being a more loyal and dependable
person will enrich your life... for you, your family and your friends.

3. Always greet happily you at the door.

4. Enjoy the journey.

Think about the times when you and your dog get in the car. They love to stick their
head out the window and smell the fresh air. They do not care where they're going.
They are just along for the ride. When we set our goals in life, we get so caught up in the
end result. We often forget about the journey. It's the good stuff in between the start and
finish that matters and influences us the most. We often forget to take the "in-between" into account. Live in the moment, not the future.

5. They drink lots of water.

Drinking lots of water is the first and best practice of good health.

6. Love and accept themselves.

Have you ever seen a dog that longed to have the fur of another dog.? They might
fight over toys here and there, but are they really envious of the other's things or
attributes? We get so caught up in trying to keep up with everyone else. We often forget
it's not about the "things" in life. The things that matter are love, good health, kindness,
friends, and family. How boring would life be if we were all alike? Love everything about
yourself, the good, bad and the ugly. The most important thing you can love is yourself, not material things.

7. Play everyday.

Playing opens your mind to new ideas, and creativity. Stop stressing about life, work
and how things are "supposed to be". Live in the moment and love the moment. Have fun! Laugh!

8. Are silent, sit close by and nuzzle us gently.

They LISTEN. They might not understand our words, but they are there for us in hard times.

9. Take pleasure in long walks.

Long walks are a great way to clear your mind. Take in every second of it-the sunshine, the nature, the brisk air. It's all a gift from God meant to be enjoyed.

10. Never pretend to be something that they're not.

I think it is so funny that my dog is such a "momma's boy".  Everyone that has met Oliver jokes about his attitude towards new people. I think it is amazing that he is not afraid to be who he really is, and has no shame curling up in my lap when he is scared, cold, or sleepy.

Just think what you could learn from your dog. As weird as it sounds, if we would really
change our ways to be more like our dogs, this world would be nothing short of impactful.

Dogs come into our lives for different reasons. Whether it is to teach us something about life, or to expand our hearts, dogs are heaven's gift to us. 


The look I'm wearing in this post is from Amazon AGAIN.  I have this one in white, and then I went back and bought it in stripes. This dress is so light weight and cool! It's easy and breezy! I like the vintage feel. The best part is that this dress is ONLY $19.00!!! I also linked up vintage bikes that are like mine. I bought mine from Target two summers ago and bought the bike basket from Amazon (only 20$). 

I hope you enjoyed this post. 

From my closet to yours, thanks for stopping by.


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What's in my Beach Bag


Ladies the summer months are upon us, and the beach seems to always be on our minds! Packing appropriately is crucial! Take it from this beach girl, here are the summer essentials that every girl needs in her beach bag.

1. Neutrogena Hydro Boost Water Gel Lotion Sunscreen- The number one, most important item to carry to the beach- sunscreen! I used to not care at all about getting sunburned. I would roll my eyes at my mom when she would remind me. However, now that I'm in my twenties, I know the importance of protecting yourself from the sun. This Neutrogena sunscreen has UVA/UVB protection and hydration with a water-light, refreshing feel.  I can not stand greasy sun screen! This non-greasy sunscreen has a light, clean feel and layers invisibly under makeup. It's water-resistant sunscreen lotion with SPF 50 that leaves skin looking healthy and moisturized for up to eight hours without any greasy residue or white marks.

2. Sunglasses-  I am loving my new shades from Maho. Check out more frames at Nordstrom. These are another one of my favorites.

3. Garden and Gun Magazine- The Southerner's handbook. Lance just got us a new subscription for a year. Yippe! It keeps me entertained and bound to my Southern roots. 

4. A good book- Currently, I am finishing "You are a Badass" by Jen Sincero. It is becoming my new favorite book. It has given me a whole new world of confidence. I would highly recommend reading this, even if you don't need "self- help". It is such a life changer.

5. Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray - Having beach waves one the beach is a must and this small of this spray will make you feel like you're at the beach all day long.  

6. My Nikon Camera- Because you never know when you will have a blogging moment.

7. Sandals- A must! (See below for shopping) 

8. Do Not Disturb Beach Hat-  I love this one, and it's only 14$ from Amazon!

9. Morrell's Armoire Beach Bag- Buy it right here from my boutique. I am obsessed with its bright beachy colors. 

10. Evian Facial Spray- I love this product. I give myself a little spritz to the face when I get to hot It really cools me down. It also gives your skin back moisture a with a nice dewy look. 

11. Beachy Bracelets- To add a little pizazz to your beach look. These are from my shop. 

12. Watermelon Circle Towel- Change up your regular beach towel game. I love my watermelon circled shaped towel. It even has fringe.

13. Baby Lips Lip Balm-I love to have these lip balms in my bag because they has SPF 20 sunscreen, and last up to 8 hours of moisture. My lips do not feel dry if I wear this on the beach all day. It helps with lip renewal also.

Neutrogrena Sunscreen -Powered by BrandBacker


Shop my Beach Bag

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