Hazal Bay Photography
“Home is where the heart is ” has taken on a whole new meaning during these uncertain times. The COVID-19 Pandemic has us all taking extra precautions to keep others safe, like staying home and only leaving for things that are absolutely necessary.
For the past two weeks, I’ve been working from home. Let’s just say that sometimes this can be really frustrating.
Despite all of this happening in our world, I have found that keeping a positive mindset can go a long way in muddling through a difficult time.
Here are some things that have helped me keep a positive mindset:
Taking time to slow down and appreciate the time we have with our husbands, wives, and children.
Having a sense of gratitude. Being thankful for the many blessings that we already have. With gratitude comes happiness.
Keeping a routine. During my downtime, I’ve been getting things done around that house that I never had time for. It makes the day go by faster as well.
My daily routine brings me to a list that I’ve been checking off a little at a time. Hopefully, this will give you some ideas about how to keep busy (and positive) during a quarantine.
100 Things to do in Coronavirus Quarantine:
Organize your clothes closet. If it doesn’t bring you joy, send it to Thredup.com, or donate it.
Organize the pantry. Throw out outdated food
Organize the medicine cabinet. Dispose of medications correctly through police stations or doctors’ offices.
Clean and wipe down baseboards.
Sweep, mop, and shine your floors.
Deep clean your toilets, bathtubs and showers.
Dust your retire house, including tricky ceiling fans.
Sew back on buttons to shirts that have had them missing for a while. Looks like I need a sewing kit or a present mom in hand.
Redecorate that room you’ve always wanted to, of course with online shopping.
Paint a picture.
If you don’t already have them, hang curtains and blinds.
Catch up on laundry until the clothes basket is empty.
Cook a great 3-course meal for you and the family.
Try something new, like an online workout or Zumba class.
Online yoga.
Take time to stretch
Cut Grass.
Plant and pot beautiful flowers around your house.
Make a bouquet out of flowers from your yard.
Try your hand at making homemade southern biscuits.
Catch up on Netflix, obviously.
Decorate your dinner table.
Read a book, the Bible, or a devotional.
Make your bed every morning.
Organize your makeup drawer.
Clean out the fridge.
Write a story.
Write a book.
Start a blog.
Organize every drawer in your house, including kitchen drawers and clothes drawers.
If you really want to get in deep, organize and clean out the attic or garage.
Make an organic Juice.
Make a Smoothie.
Look up recipes and start making healthy breakfasts.
Take a long relaxing bubble bath with candles and wine of course.
Get up and dress up. I promise this makes a more productive day.
Plant a vegetable garden.
Start and complete a puzzle.
Start a journal.
Watch a movie with your favorite ice cream.
Coloring books! They aren’t just for kids. It’s pretty relaxing if you ask me.
Make a google photo book of the pictures from your camera roll.
Sit on your front porch, drink coffee, and watch the sunrise.
Do a hair mask
Try a new Facemask with your fave magazine.
Donate to your favorite small businesses, they’re struggling right now.
Rearrange your furniture.
Set up and decorate your new baby’s room.
Hang pictures on your walls that have been sitting there for months.
De-clutter, De-clutter, De-clutter!
Watch a sunset.
Start a skincare routine that you haven’t had time for in the past.
Go fishing in a neighbor’s pond.
Repaint a room.
Download the Calm app and listen to a story or a waterfall.
Read your horoscope.
Order a contactless delivery pizza.
Give yourself a Mani/Pedi.
Drink wine. LOTS OF WINE.
Take a personality quiz.
Start your wedding registry or baby registry. Mine is already done 26 weeks in advance. haha!
Start researching what it takes to start your own business.
Give yourself a makeover.
Try a new recipe.
Call your mom and dad, and grandparents.
Go on a walk or light jog.
Start a workout routine.
Watch old family videos and back them up.
Try a new savings plan or budget.
Get some sun in the backyard, or set up a waterslide.
Train your dog.
Pay all your bills.
Birdwatch. Set up a bird feeder or hummingbird feeder in the back yard. They are fun to watch.
Self Tanner.
Organize your jewelry box.
Clean your silver.
Start growing your own herbs for cooking.
If you don’t have a pool, get a baby pool and enjoy it.
Look at the stars and download the SkyView app
Attack the files on your computer and better organize them.
Back up your computer. That ISH took DAYS!
Create a list of things you want to get done for the day.
Online shopping! Need I say more?
Go on a safari. By this I mean watch the live cameras that many zoos have set up. The Cincinnati Zoo will be live-streaming animals on their Facebook page daily at 3 PM.
Film a TikTok.
Make a vision board for the next 10-20 years.
Design your own Converse here.
Chalk paint a piece of furniture for an instant update.
Start a wishlist on Amazon.
Whiten your teeth.
Catch up on emails.
Plan a trip for the future down to every last detail.
Try a musical instrument. You can learn anything from YouTube.
Start selling unwanted fashion on the Poshmark app.
Pick up a new hobby, like Golf?
Do something helpful for others and give back. Maybe grocery shop for an elderly friend?
Write a letter to your future self or children.
Finish your online class.
Be kind to yourself and most of all LOVE YOURSELF!
Well gals, I hope that was helpful or gave you some ideas of how to pass the time these next couple of weeks!
From my closet to yours, thanks for stopping by.